Saturday, June 14, 2008

76 days to go...

Oh my God!!! No puede ser...

So much stuff to do...Okay.
Still need to:
1. Order the cake (Molly gave me some excellent ideas which I didn't write down! Will definitely ask her again!) 
2. Go to SB to see the florist about bouquets and altar decorations! Not to worry ladies! Worse case scenario, I'll head to the nearest supermarket and buy us some bouquets to-go. 
3. Get fitted. Hmmm. Have been avoiding this cause as you know I'm trying to deflate. Am down 10 pounds! Still have some work to do though. 
4. Send out the invitations! Oskar is sending them to me ASAP! He better be. So they are going out next week fo sho. 
5. Oh my gosh! Need to go to SB to talk to hair stylists! I got some quotes for makeup and hair stylists who make house calls. Yeah. Still haven't been able to find that tree that grows money so my makeup artist is going to be my two Kevin Aucoin coffee table books and my skilled, steady hand. 
6. Okay, buy wedding rings.
7. Make the favors! 
8. oh my god! booze! 

Progress: Instead of forking over an obscene amount of money for something I will only use for and two hours tops, I headed to the local fabric store and bought some tulle! Yup, Norma, my Godmother, is going to "help" me make a veil. So far my veil looks like this:
But hopefully with a little effort, it'll look like this! 

Lastly, I am trying to come up with a decent playlist for the DJ, although I'm sure he is already aware of the "in" songs out there. But I don't really listen to the radio so I don't really know what's hip nowadays. Feel free to email songs that you think will be fun to play and dance to.

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