Monday, January 7, 2008

Hello, ladies and gents...

My wonderful fiancée has invited me to begin contributing to the bodademissuenos information network, which is truly a vast array of goodness.

This is nice because it'll make the ratio more balanced, the way you'd like it at a party. That's what this blog is: a raging party. Of information.

Wow that was lame. I mean, you guys already know this from Maryté's first blog post (which should be titled "Couture and Chisme") and obviously all of it still applies. But I hope you like what I have to contribute, and I hope that you'll contribute too in the form of comments and suggestions. Echoing what my lovely fiancée has said, hopefully (bridesmaids and groomsmen), we'll all get to know each other a little bit better over the next couple months.

Just so you know that I'm not entirely green to this, I'm linking you to an article I wrote for AP's now-defunct asap last Valentine's Day about couples dealing with long-distance wedding planning. You can read it here.

And, just for kicks, a montage of photos that certainly WON'T be our wedding:

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