Friday, October 19, 2007


Okay, this post is going to be a little difficult to type cause:
1. I just had a huge CUP of merlot and seriously I haven't eaten anything today (um. I had like 1/2 cup of mangoes)
2. My study partner Alex is blasting reggaeton right next to me. This was supposed to be an accounting study session but apparently it's become a wine-drinking, mini-disco at Samson. I have to drive later.

Ok. So I have a dilemma. I want want want a Roman Catholic wedding.
Problem 1. Oskar and I are not registered at any parish in Santa Barbara
Problem 2. You have to be a registered parishioner for at least 1 year.
Problem 3. I can't ask a priest to marry us in a site OUTSIDE a church. A catholic wedding has to take place in a chruch, cHURCH. (see i can't type anymore).

Now, I know a guy, Ray, who says he can help me get married at the Santa Barbara Mission which I would love and I know Oskar would too. But:
We already booked our reception venue on a Sunday, under the assumption that we could have a priest officiate the courthouse ceremony. If we were to obtain permission to get married at the Mission (25% chance) we would have to cancel the reception site. We couldn't switch it to a Saturday because all the Saturdays are booked already. Catholic weddings are never held on Sundays.

So, my question is:
Should I try to get a wedding ceremony at the Mission and cancel the reception site if we get the pastor's permission? Or, should Oskar and I just have a civil ceremony at the courthouse and have a smaller Catholic ceremony later on.



Molly said...

my two cents: i say try and get the sb mission and if you can, worry about the reception then. it's worth a shot, right? would you lose a lot of money on your reception site? that is one factor. the other is finding another reception site for that saturday, but i feel like that would be secondary for you because you would be so excited about a catholic ceremony. and i'm pretty sure oskar would be happy that you were so happy. plus, how cool would it be to get married at the mission?

Yen said...

Question 1: Mission ceremony: would you still need to be registered parishioner for a year?
Question 2: I thought for a Roman catholic ceremony, you both had to be confirmed? Is Oskar confirmed?
Question 3: Can you wait to see if you can get the mission ceremony before canceling the reception site? It would make your decision a little easier.